No one could foresee Covid-19 approaching our world. Everyday we hear more bad news rather than good news, and that can be depressing. As a result, we all need to move our daily routine into a “staying at home” environment and this impacts us in many ways, e.g. how to concentrate on our work while the children are restless at home, extra tasks in homeschooling our children, increasing and constant noises in the home that some cannot tolerate, etc.


1. Wake up at the regular time 

Wake up each day like when you go to work. By waking up early you will help to keep the momentum before you start your work each day.

2. Take a short walk and count one thing that you are thankful for 

Take a short walk to replace the time when you would usually sit on the bus or train, or drive your car. You may encourage your children to take a walk with you and make it a family fun time. Taking a short walk of 20-30 minutes will refresh your mind and help your brain to absorb more oxygen. While you are taking the walk, count one or more things that you are thankful for. Counting it at the beginning of your day will help you to stay positive regardless of the circumstances, e.g. that you can breathe without a ventilator, we can still video call friends, etc.

3. Get ready and get changed

Getting ready means you get to change your clothes, wash your face or to take a quick shower as if you are going to the office. Wearing your pyjamas while working, even though colleagues will not see you, will impact your mood and may make you feel sluggish. This is no different with your children.

4. Schedule your day

Schedule your day as you would normally do when you work at the office. Remember to take a proper break, morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea, and end your work as you normally do. This applies to your children homeschooling too.

5. Time-Out

As everybody stays at home, meaning you literally see each other 24/7, it is important to give each other space and to respect that space. When you have young children, you can take turns with your partner to mind the children. Taking a time-out or a space is important for your sanity. For instance, finding 30 minutes of solitude or to do your hobby such as reading, etc. without being interrupted or interfered by your partner or your children.

6. Reflection

Reflect on your day and list the things that you and your family have achieved. You can use this reflection to better your next day.

It is important if you can have a family meeting on every weekend to map out the plan for the coming week. Following through with what you have agreed on is a key to success!