DEPRESSION: Practical steps dealing with Depression

Depression is more than just feeling down or sad. Feeling depressed can be caused by situations you are in, e.g. grieving loved ones, losing a job, a relationship/marriage ends, etc., where after a period of time, life returns back to normal. However, for some, this depressed feeling is regular, ongoing …

Trauma: Can Someone Recover from Trauma?

can someone recover from trauma

Trauma is a horrible, disturbing and distressing incident or treatment that causes long-term damage to the person experiencing the trauma. Trauma may occur in two ways: Direct experience, where the survivor suffers the trauma first-hand Second-hand experience, such as hearing or witnessing the trauma that happen to others Since there …

Pre-Marital Counselling: Prevention is Better than Cure

All couples have differences and disagreements, but often couples come to counselling when their relationships have fallen apart and the damage in the relationship can hardly be repaired, and even after they have separated. Pre-marital Counselling, therefore, is important in preventing the breaking down of a relationship/marriage. WHAT IS PRE-MARITAL …

Addiction: Can Someone Overcome their Addictions?

Overcome addiction

One day, a man called “Ben” (40 y.o., married with two young children) came into my office, and he sobbed and sobbed and sobbed… and said, “ I don’t want to lose my marriage. I am scared that I am close to losing my marriage, and I am scared that …

Boundaries – When To Say Yes, When To Say No

boundaries when to say yes and no

Are you good in persuading? Do you hate taking responsibilities? Are you struggling to hear and accept “No”? Or… Are you feeling exhausted and stretched with life’s demands? Does your life seem out of control? Do you feel taken for granted by others? Are you feeling guilty when you say …

How To Manage Your Anxiety

How to manage your anxiety - by Magdalena Liem

Anxiety is an emotion characterized by nervousness, excessive worry and driven by fear. It is an unpleasant experience and it can vary from mild to severe anxiety. Everyone has some experience of being anxious in their life time, e.g. feeling anxious before going for an operation or for some feel …

Can A Relationship Be Rescued From Domestic Violence?

Can Relationships be Rescued from Domestic Violence

Sometimes it is difficult to believe a place that is supposedly called “home sweet home” or a “place of a sanctuary” can turn out to be a centre of violence. As we hear and know a lot through the news and advertisements, there are so many programs and campaigns that …